Friday, 29 June 2007

Musica del Mondo

Week 8 Performance Summary:
Musica del Mondo - European Folk Music Quintet

An eclectic quintet with Russell Johnsen (hurdy gurdy, violin oud and
percussion), Mark Bozikovich (piano accordion), Phil Waldron on double bass, Philip Everall (clarinet and bass clarinet) and Alex Millier (clarinet
 and bass clarinet).

For more information visit:

Friday, 22 June 2007

A Sense of Place: the ongoing power of places in Perth (Dr. Noel Nannup)

Week 7 Speaker Summary:
Noel will take listeners on a journey around Perth from their seats in Central Park. Noel will talk about the use of Perth for thousands of years before white settlement and how this connects with its uses today. Noel speaks about his heritage by linking together stories of country from different places. His talk starts in Central Park and travels around the Swan before ending back in Central Park.

Noel is a fantastic storyteller and gifted speaker. He is also a Nyungar Elder and Cultural Heritage and Environmental Consultant. Noel has consistently been involved in educating young (and old) Western Australians about the rich cultural heritage of Aboriginal people. Come and hear about the heritage of Perth that has existed for thousands of years.

What Makes Cities Succeed? (Lunch with Carol Coletta)

This is a special event sponsored by Hassell Architects and supported by FORM.

Carol Coletta is President and CEO of CEOs for Cities, the Chicago-based ideas lab which helps America's business leaders make the most of their cities’ assets through innovation.

Referring to examples in the US, Carol reveals how business leaders can build a city’s special qualities to increase its talent base, innovation, distinctiveness and connectivity.

For more information visit: or

Friday, 15 June 2007

Shane McCarthy and Ruth Jeffery (Swing It!)

Week 6 Performance Summary:
Swing It! is one of the most vibrant Swing dancing schools to emerge in Perth. With a teaching staff comprised of some of the best dancers in the country, all with a wealth of international dance experience, and an array of some of the most passionate students and social dancers in town, Swing It! can take care of all your Swing dancing needs!

Shane has been imparting his love of the dance through teaching for over five years and has taught internationally both in the United States and Japan, spreading his thoughts and opinions on Lindy Hop via confusing analogies involving super heroes, sci-fi and obscure 80s children’s television. Shane began his competitive career when he reluctantly entered the Australian Hellzapoppin’ Competition in 2006. Upon receiving first prize in the national event he promptly retired from competition for fear of tarnishing his now perfect record.

Shane is well known for his passionate and vibrant approach to teaching, for the high level of fun and enjoyment he delivers in his classes and for being “that skinny guy” at the Mustang Bar.

Friday, 8 June 2007

Joni Kieft and Reverend Gorge Davies (Young People in Public Space)

Week 5 Speaker Summary
Young People in Public Space:
•Brief History of Young People in Public Space in Australia;
•Anti-Social or Pro-social - young people’s use of public space and adults’ response to it;
•It takes a village to raise a child, George Davies’ thinking around young people;
•Thinking for the future about young people and public space.

Joni Kieft completed a Bachelor of Social Science in Youth Work with a supporting major in Drama. She has worked in the youth work sector across a range of settings, including youth arts organizations, local government, the charity sector, education, and has also managed a community based youth service. She co-wrote a manual on How to put on an All Ages Community Event. In 1995, she was short listed in the WA Youth Awards in the Leadership Category. She has worked in London for the past 2 years with young people in inner city housing estates. She is presently working with the Youth Affairs council of WA acting in the role of Executive Officer.

George Davies is a graduate in Agriculture, Divinity and Education and former high school science teacher. He has worked with young people for the past 30 years in WA as a Uniting Church Minister and State Uniting Church Consultant for services. He is a co-founder of many organisations community youth including Palmerston Drug Association, the Youth Affairs Council of WA and the Perth Inner City Youth Service. George has presented papers at State, National and International Conferences on streetwork, drug and youth homelessness issues. He has shared his own home for 40 years with young people at risk.

He received the 2002 Community Services Industry Award for Outstanding Service as an Individual and is a member of the State Advisory Committee addressing homelessness and a member of Citysafe for the past ten years.

Monday, 4 June 2007

Laliya (Musicians from Australia and Ireland)

Week 4 Performance Summary
Laliya is an instrumental hybrid of new acoustic and subtle world fusion, creating an atmospheric soundscape using instruments of old in a modern and exciting way. This has been enhanced through the use of a technique known as 'two hand tapping' on the Dulcimer combined with rhythmic and percussive beats of the Djembe.

A truly unique, and transcendent auditory experience.

Laliya are James Maguire and Melissa Howlett-Maguire. Laliya have performed at a number of festivals in Australia and overseas since 2003 including:

Festivals 2006
Australia: Earthdance Festival, Fairbridge; Multicultural Carnival, ECU; WUCC, UWA; Fremantle Village Markets, Fremantle

Festivals 2005
Australia: Fremantle Street Arts Festival.
Italy: Arte in Strada, Lecce; Mercantia Festival, Certaldo; Buskers in Strada, Santa Sofia; Musica Strada, Castellina Marittima; Ferrara Buskers Festival,Ferrara.
Austria: Linz Pflasterspektakel;
Estonia: Viljandi Folk Festival, Viljandi; Viinistu Art Museum, Viinistu; Otepaa Setanta, Tartu; Saka Cliff Hotel and Spa, Parnu; Kuressaare GO Spa, Saaremaa Island; Padestor Manor, Saaremaa Island; Keila SOS children's village; Pirita Klooster, Tallin.
Switzerland: Bern Buskers Festival.